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Post a NIFI template via REST?



I have multiple nifi servers that I would like to be able to POST templates to via the REST interface from a script

The "/controller/templates" endpoint appears to be the proper REST endpoint to support POSTing an arbitrary template to my Nifi installation. enter image description here The "snippetId" field is what is confusing me, how do I determine "The id of the snippet whose contents will comprise the template"? Does anyone have an example of how I can upload a template "test.xml" to my server without having to use the UI?

like image 922
Josh Harrison Avatar asked Jul 18 '16 21:07

Josh Harrison

1 Answers

The provided documentation is somewhat confusing, and the solution I worked out was derived from the nifi api deploy groovy script at https://github.com/aperepel/nifi-api-deploy

Ultimately, to POST a template directly, you can use the following in Python requests

requests.post("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), files={"template":open(filename, 'rb')})

Where filename is the filename of your template and url is the path to your nifi instance. I haven't figured it out in curl directly but this should hopefully get folks with a similar question started!

Edit: Note that you also can't upload a template with the same name as an existing template. Make sure to delete your existing template before attempting to re-upload. Using the untangle library to parse the XML of the template, the following script works just fine:

import untangle, sys, requests

def deploy_template(filename, url):
    p = untangle.parse(filename)
    r=requests.get("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), headers={"Accept":"application/json"})

    for each in r.json()["templates"]:
        if each["name"]==new_template_name:
    requests.post("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), files={"template":open(filename, 'rb')})

if __name__=="__main__":
    deploy_template(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
like image 89
Josh Harrison Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Josh Harrison