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How to stop the single processor in nifi1.1.0 using rest api



I am trying to stop the processor which is in running state using the PUT method in rest api /processors/{id}.

I am able to start the processor by changing the state in the component as follows "state": "RUNNING", and runStatus in the aggregatesnapshot as "runStatus": "Running".

Similarly I tried to stop the processor by changing the state as STOPPED but facing an error as

9204b68d-0159-1000-7d8f-720592b2a2dd is not stopped (409 error conflict nd 400 Badrequest).

Please let me know how to stop the processor.

Thanks in advance.

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mRhNs13 Avatar asked Jan 18 '17 06:01


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1 Answers

you can able to stop processor using rest api.


i having GetFile(ID:9204b68d-0159-1000-7d8f-720592b2a2dd) processor in UI.

RestAPI Url:


Here json content i have passed as PUT Request to stop processor.

  "status": {
    "runStatus": "STOPPED"
  "component": {
    "state": "STOPPED",
    "id": "9204b68d-0159-1000-7d8f-720592b2a2dd"
  "id": "9204b68d-0159-1000-7d8f-720592b2a2dd",
  "revision": {
    "version": 10,
    "clientId": "ab010dd6-0159-1000-615b-f095502a7ceb"

Revision and Status are most important things in stop the processor from RestAPI.

It works well for me.Try it.

And let me know if not worked.

like image 59
Mister X Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Mister X