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Post a message to friends inbox in facebook




How can i post a message to friends inbox in facebook. I know Facebook does not permit you to send messages to a user's inbox. As a result, there is a read_messages permission, but some application provide a functionality to invite friend, this invitaton send in friends inbox and notification email also send in frinds email ID, so have any possibility to send message in friend inbox on facebook.


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Seema Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 06:12


People also ask

How do you send a message to someone's inbox on Facebook?

Step 1: First, open the Facebook app on your Android device. Step 2: Next, tap Hamburg icon in the top right of Facebook. Step 3: Now, tap Pages and go to the Page you want to message. Step 4: Below the Page's cover photo, tap Message.

How do I post a message sent to me on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Tap Pages. Go to the Page you want to message. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Send Message.

What does it mean to Inbox somebody on Facebook?

to send someone a private message on social media: If you would like more information please inbox me back. When you meet, he tells you to inbox him on Facebook.

How do I send a post to a friend on Facebook?

Write Post To share to a friend's timeline, tap Share to Facebook and select Friend's Timeline. Type your friend's name, then tap Post.

2 Answers

I am on a similar hunt, but here is something i know so far.

You can use fbml's fb:request-form to send invites, example below:

content="Your text goes here. <?php echo htmlentities("<fb:req-choice url=\"YOUR CANVAS URL\" label=\"Authorize My Application\"") ?>" > 
<fb:multi-friend-selector showborder="false" actiontext="Invite your friends to use YOUR APP NAME."> 

is this what you are asking?

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sridhar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


It's currently unsupported capability although facebook has indicated they will support it in the not-so-distant future.

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Max Hwang Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Max Hwang