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possible to filter the queryset after querying? django

Sorry if the question sounds weird. I am just wondering if there is possible to make new queryset when I already have a queryset.

For example here...

 everyone = User.objects.filter(is_active=True)  # this would of course return all users that's active  not_deleted = User.objects.filter(is_active=True, is_deleted=False)  # return user that's active and not deleted  is_deleted = User.objects.filter(is_active=True, is_deleted=True)  # return user that's active and is already deleted 

What my question is...for not_deleted and is_deleted they both have active is true with is the same as everyone is there a possible way to use everyone and then somehow filter out is_deleted=True or is_deleted=False? So then I believe the querying would be faster and better if this is possible right?

All three variables everyone, not_deleted and is_deleted will then be used for something else.

Hopefully I made my question quiet clear.

Thanks in advance.

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Dora Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 02:07


People also ask

Can I filter a QuerySet Django?

The filter() method is used to filter you search, and allows you to return only the rows that matches the search term.

How can I filter a Django query with a list of values?

The sql query will be like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ids=[1, 3, 6, 7, 9] which is not true. You have to use in operator for this so you query will be like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ids in (1, 3, 6, 7, 9) for that Django provide __in operator.

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2 Answers

Yes, you can reuse existing querysets.

everyone = User.objects.filter(is_active=True) active_not_deleted = everyone.filter(is_deleted=False) active_is_deleted = everyone.filter(is_deleted=True) 

This is not really making anything faster though, in fact, this code block won't even execute a query against the database because Django QuerySets are lazily evaluated. What I means is that it won't send the query to the database until you actually need the values. Here's an example that will talk to the database.

everyone = User.objects.filter(is_active=True)  # Building SQL... active_not_deleted = everyone.filter(is_deleted=False)  # Building SQL... active_is_deleted = everyone.filter(is_deleted=True)  # Building SQL...  # Example of the whole queryset being evaluated for user in everyone:     # This will execute the query against the database to return the list of users     # i.e. "select * from user where is_active is True;"     print(user)  # Example of using iterator to evaluate one object at a time from the queryset. for user in active_not_deleted.iterator():     # This will execute the query for each result, so it doesn't     # load everything at once and it doesn't cache the results.     # "select * from user where is_active is True and is_deleted is False limit 1 offset 0;"     # The offset is incremented on each loop and another query is sent to retrieve the next user in the list.     print(user) 

Recommend reading:

  • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/db/queries/#querysets-are-lazy
  • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/models/querysets/#iterator
  • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/db/queries/#caching-and-querysets

As an addition to this answer, you could make a single query and then filter in Python if you really wanted. Mind you, you could not do subsequent filtering on the lists because they are not QuerySets.

everyone = User.objects.filter(is_active=True) active_not_deleted = list(filter(lambda user: user.is_deleted is False), list(everyone)) active_is_deleted = list(filter(lambda user: user.is_deleted is True), list(everyone)) 

In this last example, everyone is a queryset, and active_not_deleted and active_is_deleted are Python lists of User objects. The everyone queryset will only be evaluated once in the first list(everyone) call, and then the results are cached.

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A. J. Parr Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

A. J. Parr

1. chain filter method

not_deleted = User.objects.filter(active=True).filter(is_deleted=False) 

@Cory Madden already answered. User.objects.filter(active=True) returns Queryset. So you can add filter method. active_users.filter(is_deleted=False)

2. using Q method

from django.db.models import Q  not_deleted = User.objects.filter(Q(active=True) & Q(is_deleted=False) 

It is easier to manage your complicated queryset. What if you want to filter userID is not 3? you can use Q simplye like User.objects.filter(Q(active=True) & ~Q(id = 3))

Answer for your comment,

Using Q or not, it has same raw query.

SELECT ... FROM ...  WHERE ("auth_user"."active" = True AND "auth_user"."is_deleted" = False) 

Database performance is relating to how often you hit database to extract data or if you use a heavy method like 'Join' when you extract something by FK relationship. So Using Q or not doesn't give you performance difference, because it has same query sentence.


user = User.objects.filter(active=True) not_deleted = User.objects.filter(active=True).filter(is_deleted=False)  user = User.objects.filter(active=True) not_deleted = user.filter(is_deleted=False) 

would not give you performance difference.

Queryset is lazy. user and not_deleted variables have just queryset string. It doesn't hit the database right away when you define variable like above. Anyway, you will hit three times for each variable.

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Jayground Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09
