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Porting KVM (Written for Linux) to Mac OS X


I am trying to port KVM (Written for Linux) to Mac OS X.

Background work : I started going through Apple Developer Documents which lists out a procedure to do just that. I was not able to understand some parts of it, and the ones I understood and tried did not work well (as planned). As Apple Developer documents suggested, I also tried through fink, macports etc., But, these package management applications come into picture once the code is successfully compiled on the host, right? (Thats what I assumed). *Correct me if I am wrong. Right now, I am engaged in removing the errors faced, one by one. This method is taking painstakingly long amounts of time and effort, and also, I do not know, if this will ever work.

QUESTION : Please let me know whether my approach is right or wrong. If right, let me know what should be my next step. If wrong, let me know what should be my first step. P.S : Lots of the time allocated for the project has already gone in vain of trying different methods. Please help me in taking a definitive way to solve this problem.