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onContextItemSelected does not get called in a DialogFragment

I have a dialog that shows a list of items, I need to be able to edit/delete items in this list so I put a context menu in so when the user long presses on an item it they can choose what they want to do (edit or delete the item).

The problem is that onContextItemSelected never gets called when an item in the context menu is selected.

I checked to see if maybe the activity that created the dialog fragment is getting the callback but that is not either so why is there it not getting called? Can you not do a context menu in a dialog?

public class TypesDialogList extends DialogFragment implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>,OnItemClickListener,OnCreateContextMenuListener{

ListView lv;
SimpleCursorAdapter mAdapter;
private int EDIT_TYPE = 1;
private int DELETE_TYPE = 2;
OnEditType mType;

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle state){
    final View v = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.layer_dialog_layout, null, false);
    lv = (ListView)v.findViewById(R.id.listView1);
    return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()).setView(v).setPositiveButton("Add Type", new OnClickListener(){

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {



public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo){
    super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
    AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuInfo;
    long id = info.id;
    if(id > 3){
        menu.setHeaderTitle("Type Menu");
        menu.add(Menu.NONE, EDIT_TYPE, 1, "Edit");
        menu.add(Menu.NONE, DELETE_TYPE, 2, "Delete");
        Toast.makeText(getActivity(),"Cannot edit type",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
     AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo oMenuInfo = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
     long id = oMenuInfo.id;
     if(item.getItemId() == EDIT_TYPE){

     }else if(item.getItemId() == DELETE_TYPE){

     return true;


like image 323
tyczj Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 14:04


1 Answers

For anybody still looking for a workaround, I just solved this problem by creating an anonymous OnMenuItemClickListener that delegates back to onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) and setting it on all the items in my menu.

public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View view, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
    // Creation/inflate menu here

    OnMenuItemClickListener listener = new OnMenuItemClickListener() {
        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
            return true;

    for (int i = 0, n = menu.size(); i < n; i++)
like image 63
Raider Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
