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Portable .Net debugging tools

As a .net developer there are times when one is asked to debug at different machines (32 & 64 bit) other than ones own developer machine. Lot of times some important tool is missing and I have to install them first to start the debugging. Then I started to collect some portable tools in a 1GB memory stick. Currently it contains

  1. Windbg 32 & 64 bit portable.
  2. ildasm
  3. FUSLOGVW.exe
  4. Windiff
  5. graphedt.exe
  6. Remote debugger 32 & 64
  7. Sysinternal suite
  8. Oleview.exe

are there any more portable tools that I can add to the collection that will help debug a problem in a .net application. what is your portable collection?

like image 726
ferosekhanj Avatar asked Aug 04 '10 05:08


People also ask

How do I debug a .NET program?

Press F5 to run the program in Debug mode. Another way to start debugging is by choosing Debug > Start Debugging from the menu. Enter a string in the console window when the program prompts for a name, and then press Enter . Program execution stops when it reaches the breakpoint and before the Console.

How do I debug remotely?

Select Configure remote debugging to configure the firewall and start the remote debugger. When configuration is complete, the Remote Debugger window appears. The remote debugger is now waiting for a connection. Use the server name and port number shown to set the remote connection configuration in Visual Studio.

1 Answers

I would add Reflector to that and for WinDbg you really should get SOSEX and PSSCOR2 to complement SOS.

like image 180
Brian Rasmussen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Brian Rasmussen