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Populating an XML "Template" programmatically C#

What I am trying to do is find placeholders in an xml and replace them. Jinja2 did this in Python, but I am looking for something similar in C#. Essentially what I want to do is take this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Title>{{ myTitle }}</Title>
  {% for item in compItems %}  <CompItem>
      <CompItemConfig>{{ item.config }}</CompItemConfig>
{% endfor %}

And programmatically turn it into:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Title>Brown Fox</Title>
      <CompItemConfig>NOT LAZY</CompItemConfig>

For some reference, a quick example of how I think it should work would be:

Dictionary<string, string> myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
myDictionary.Add("myTitle", "Brown Fox");
myDictionary.Add("compItem", "QUICK");
myDictionary.Add("compItem", "JUMPS");
myDictionary.Add("compItem", "NOT LAZY");
FillTemplate("C:\myTemplate.xml", myDictionary);

Any help at all would be great. Thank you!

like image 884
user2763472 Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 04:09


1 Answers

I know its late, but I really needed what you are asking for here, so I made this https://github.com/beto-rodriguez/Templator the markup is a little bit different but it should work the same, if you are familiar with angularJs you wont have any problems to use it.

I went for this method because I needed to share the template with more users, you generate a template and can share it to print labels (in my case)

here is an example


var compiler = new Compiler()
            .AddKey("name", "Excel")
            .AddKey("width", 100)
            .AddKey("height", 500)
            .AddKey("bounds", new[] {10, 0, 10, 0})
            .AddKey("elements", new []
                new { name = "John", age= 10 },
                new { name = "Maria", age= 57 },
                new { name = "Mark", age= 23 },
                new { name = "Edit", age= 82 },
                new { name = "Susan", age= 37 }

var compiled = compiler.CompileXml(@"C:\...\myXml.xml")

XLM Source

  <name>my name is {{name}}</name>
    <bound sxRepeat="bound in bounds">{{bound}}</bound>
    <element sxRepeat="element in elements" sxIf="element.age > 25">


  <name>my name is Excel</name>

you can install it from Nuget too:

Install-Package SuperXml
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bto.rdz Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10
