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popBackStack() behavior differs after support-library upgrade from 23.1.1 to 25.1.0

After upgrade from Android support library 23.1.1 to the latest 25.1.0 the behavior from popBackStack() has changed in our application.

For example I have three FragmentTransactions on BackStack. Now the fourth FragmentTrsansaction is added to BackStack. FragmentTransactions are like this:

FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction()
    .replace(R.id.fragment_container_single, target, CoreActivity.FRAGMENT_TAG_LEFT)

Fragment#4 has logic where it routes to Fragment#5 during onViewCreated() automatically (I know, it’s ugly and I have to change this). Anyway, when I want to leave Fragment#5 I want to resume to the Fragment that has been shown prior to Fragment#4. I do this by transaction name:

getFragmentManager().popBackStack(“<CONCRETE_TRANSACTION_NAME_4>”, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);

or this:

getFragmentManager().popBackStack(“<CONCRETE_TRANSACTION_NAME_3>”, 0);

But with this call the onCreateView() and onViewCreated() of Fragment#4 will be called and Fragment#5 will be added immediately to the BackStack. Even if I resume to Fragment#1 onViewCreated() is called for every Fragment on the BackStack – for Fragment#2, Fragment#3 and Fragment#4, even if they don’t matter for the FragmentTransaction I want to return to.

Under support library 23.1.1 I successfully jump back to Fragment#3. Fragment#4 is popped inclusive without calling onViewCreated(). This seemed more intuitive and right to me, because calling onViewCreated() for Fragments "outside" of my FragmentTransaction seems unnecessary?

I know, addToBackStack() only saves the transactional states and not the Fragments itself and Fragments maybe have to be recreated.

There are similar posts to that, but I want to understand why it breaks after support library update. I can’t find the change anywhere. Was this a Bug or is it a Bug now?

I'am going on to change my code.

Thanks for help!

UPDATE I've got more lifecycle issues/changes after upgrading to support-library 25.1.0. There is an Google issue where I commented my issues additionally. Currently I had to go back to the latest 24.2.1 and keep an eye on this topic. This is just my temporary solution. These issues start with support-library 25.0.0.

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Danny Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 09:01


1 Answers

Pay attention to the new support 25.1.0.

Something changed in the fragment lifecycle.
Now there is new functionality to optimize the operations and postpone fragment transitions.

Read this: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=230415

like image 121
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Gabriele Mariotti