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Pop Up Button menu items

Okay, I am using Interface Builder in Xcode 4.5.1 and just added a Pop Up Button to the window. If I click through I see "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", which are editable. I was expecting to see something in the attributes or identity inspector that let me define how many of these items were in the menu, but there is nothing there. I've been looking at this for hours. Where can these be defined?

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Daniel Saban Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 01:10

Daniel Saban

People also ask

What are pop-up buttons?

A pop-up button displays a menu of mutually exclusive options. After people choose an item from a pop-up button's menu, the menu closes, and the button can update its content to indicate the current selection.

What are menus and also explain about pop-up menu?

A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut, and pop up or pop-up menu) is a menu in a graphical user interface (GUI) that appears upon user interaction, such as a right-click mouse operation.

How do I create a popup menu?

Go to app > res > right-click > New > Android Resource Directory and give Directory name and Resource type as menu. Now, we will create a popup_menu file inside that menu resource directory. Go to app > res > menu > right-click > New > Menu Resource File and create a menu resource file and name it as popup_menu.

What does the pop-up menu do?

Alternatively referred to as a context menu and shortcut menu, a pop-up menu is a menu that is hidden and doesn't appear until you right-click. This menu is often referred to as a context menu because the options in the menu often relate to what was right-clicked.

1 Answers

It figures... just when I give up and try something else: The circular button on the lower right with the triangle let me "Show the document outline". Once here, the outline elements are editable, copy paste, change name etc.

So, under "Menu - OtherViews", the "Menu Item - ..." can be deleted or copy/pasted to add.

This took hours of my life that I will never get back, I hope someone else finds this tip useful.

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Daniel Saban Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Daniel Saban