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Polymer: How to loop and render HTML to screen



I am working on a widget that pulls third party information from a database using json. Once the information has been collected, I plan to loop through the information and create the required HTML code and insert this into the template via a {{variable}}

Now I am getting an unexpected result. When I do this, the html is being displayed as text.

Here is some sudo code of the issue:

       <polymer-element name="loop-element">
                Polymer('loop-element', {
                   ready: function() {
                   customerList:"Loading customer list...",

                   loadCustomerList: function() {
                       CustomerNameArray[] = //Get the array from jSon file
                       i = 0;
                       do {
                           this.customerList = "<div>" + customerNameArray[i] + "</div>";
                       } while (customerNameArray[i]);



Essentially the DIV's are not being rendered, instead they are being printed to the screen as text:

"<div>Name 1</div>" "<div>Name 2</div>" ... n

Instead of:

Name 1
Name 2
Name n...

You can see a JSBin example here: http://jsbin.com/tituzibu/1/edit

Can anyone recommend how to go about outputting a list to the template?

like image 570
HappyCoder Avatar asked Apr 09 '14 21:04


2 Answers

Polymer v.1.0

/* relative path to polymer.html*/
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<dom-module id="employee-list">
        /* CSS rules for your element */
        <div> Employee list: </div>
        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{employees}}">
            <div>First name: <span>{{item.first}}</span></div>
            <div>Last name: <span>{{item.last}}</span></div>

        is: 'employee-list',
        ready: function() {
            this.employees = [
                {first: 'Bob', last: 'Smith'},
                {first: 'Sally', last: 'Johnson'}


like image 190
Sajin M Aboobakkar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Sajin M Aboobakkar

You should use Polymer's DOM-based data-binding features rather than creating the markup yourself.

<template repeat="{{customer, i in customers}}">
  <div>{{i}}, {{customer.name}}</div>


like image 25
ebidel Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
