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How to querySelector elements of an element's DOM using Polymer

I have my element :

<dom-module id="x-el">
  <p class="special-paragraph">first paragraph</p>

and I use it like

  <p class="special-paragraph">second paragraph</p>

in my imperative part:

  is: 'x-el',

  ready: function () {
    /* this will select all .special-paragraph in the light DOM
       e.g. 'second paragraph' */

    /* this will select all .special-paragraph in the local DOM
       e.g. 'first paragraph' */

    /* how can I select all .special-paragraph in both light DOM and
       local DOM ? */

Is it possible to do that using Polymer built-in's ? Or should I use the default DOM api ?

like image 490
vdegenne Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 08:06


1 Answers

Polymer does not provide a helper function or abstraction that will list nodes both from the light and local DOMs.

If you require this functionality, you can use this.querySelector(selector).

On a side note, aside from the Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll(selector) method, Polymer also provides the $$ utility function which helps in accessing members of an element's local DOM. This function is used as follows:

<dom-module id="my-element">
    <p class="special-paragraph">...</p>

    is: 'my-element',
    ready: {
      this.$$('.special-paragraph'); // Will return the <p> in the local DOM

Note that, unlike querySelectorAll, the $$ function only returns one element: the first element in the local DOM which matches the selector.

like image 180
Adaline Simonian Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09

Adaline Simonian