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Polymer 1.0 how can I style a paper-input:disabled?

Polymer 1.0 question:

When a paper-input is set to 'disabled', the text and underline turn to a really light gray that is hard to read. How can I set the text color using css. Here is what I have tried so far:

--paper-input-container-input-disabled {

<paper-input label="Email" disabled></paper-input>

But it doesn't change the text color. Although I can change the background color using the same mixin.

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Gilberg Avatar asked Jan 08 '23 10:01


1 Answers

The online document lists the name wrong. It should be --paper-input-container-disabled. So this would work -

paper-input {
  --paper-input-container-disabled: {
    opacity: 0.66;

Note the default opacity is 0.33. So maybe increase it a bit to make it clearer.

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Justin XL Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 07:01

Justin XL