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Pointers and performance implications?



Are there performance implications when using pointers?

Is it better to avoid using pointers and if so, under what circumstances? Obviously they help, along with references, to reduce data copying. I presume if the data type being pointed to is small, the need for a pointer is smaller. In contrast, it is better to pass a large object via pointer as the overhead of the pointer is smaller than the overhead of copying the object.

I was also wondering about pointers in areas other than arguments/parameters?

Are references generally better than pointers in this performance context?

I appreciated I am bordering on the SO "dirty" topic of micro-optimizations but I am writing a very latency-focussed app.

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mezamorphic Avatar asked May 28 '12 13:05


People also ask

How do pointers improve performance?

If you use them carefully, pointers can reduce the amount of program code you need to write, thereby increasing your program's efficiency and enabling you to use less memory. (Your program can run faster because it does not have to duplicate the data in memory).

What is the significance of pointers?

Pointers are used to store and manage the addresses of dynamically allocated blocks of memory. Such blocks are used to store data objects or arrays of objects. Most structured and object-oriented languages provide an area of memory, called the heap or free store, from which objects are dynamically allocated.

What are the problems associated with pointers?

2.2 Pointers Can Be Dangerous Because pointers provide access a memory location and because data and executable code exist in memory together, misuses of pointers can lead to both bizarre effects and very subtle errors. dangling pointers.

What are pointers and its advantages?

Pointers save memory space. Execution time with pointers is faster because data are manipulated with the address, that is, direct access to memory location.

2 Answers

I know that performance can be important, but semantics are more important: fast and wrong is useless.

Using pointers or references have semantics implications, such as sharing:

void foo(A& a) {
    a.a = 1;
    if (a.b != 0) { throw ... }
    a.b = 0;

In the case a.b == 0, then the first field of a has been changed but not its second.

Also, such sharing may create potential aliasing:

void foo(struct A a, struct A b);

void foo(struct A* a, struct A* b);

In the first case, the two structures are necessarily distinct, but in the latter they are not. This possible aliasing might prevent optimizations.

Focus on semantics first. Once you get them right, you can tweak and measure the effects in your particular situation.

like image 159
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09

Matthieu M.

Are references generally better than pointers in this performance context?

Yes, use references when you can, pointers when you must. Performance-wise, they are the same.

It's usually better to pass large structures by reference or pointer to prevent the extra copying, yes.

Accessing a variable or object through a pointer or reference may be just as fast as accessing it directly. The reason for this efficiency lies in the way microprocessors are constructed. All non-static variables and objects declared inside a function are stored on the stack and are in fact addressed relative to the stack pointer. Likewise, all non-static variables and objects declared in a class are accessed through the implicit pointer known in C++ as 'this'. We can therefore conclude that most variables in a well-structured C++ program are in fact accessed through pointers in one way or another. Therefore, microprocessors have to be designed so as to make pointers efficient, and that's what they are.

There are some disadvantages though, but they apply to both pointers and references:

However, there are disadvantages of using pointers and references. Most importantly, it requires an extra register to hold the value of the pointer or reference. Registers are a scarce resource, especially in 32-bit mode. If there are not enough registers then the pointer has to be loaded from memory each time it is used and this will make the program slower. Another disadvantage is that the value of the pointer is needed a few clock cycles before the time the variable pointed to can be accessed.

And here is the source. If you asked this question, I imagine you'll find it a good read.

Let's look at some code:

   int x = 0;
00412E0E  mov         dword ptr [x],0 
00412E15  lea         eax,[x] 
00412E18  push        eax  
00412E19  call        foo (4111C2h) 
00412E1E  add         esp,4 
00412E21  lea         eax,[x] 
00412E24  push        eax  
00412E25  call        foo (4111BDh) 
00412E2A  add         esp,4 

No difference when calling the functions.

void foo (int& x)
00411370  push        ebp  
00411371  mov         ebp,esp 
00411373  sub         esp,0C0h 
00411379  push        ebx  
0041137A  push        esi  
0041137B  push        edi  
0041137C  lea         edi,[ebp-0C0h] 
00411382  mov         ecx,30h 
00411387  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh 
0041138C  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi] 
   x = 3;
0041138E  mov         eax,dword ptr [x] 
00411391  mov         dword ptr [eax],3 

void foo (int* x)
004117A0  push        ebp  
004117A1  mov         ebp,esp 
004117A3  sub         esp,0C0h 
004117A9  push        ebx  
004117AA  push        esi  
004117AB  push        edi  
004117AC  lea         edi,[ebp-0C0h] 
004117B2  mov         ecx,30h 
004117B7  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh 
004117BC  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi] 
   *x = 3;
004117BE  mov         eax,dword ptr [x] 
004117C1  mov         dword ptr [eax],3 

No difference inside the functions.

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Luchian Grigore Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Luchian Grigore