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'pod install' doesn't update an existing pod

I am trying to update my pod using pod install and finding that it doesn't update properly unless I delete the original pod.

Is there some extra step required or is there a common mistake that makes updates fail?

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Joey Avatar asked Jul 24 '12 20:07


People also ask

How do you force a pod to update?

Add `--force` flag to `pod update` to force update a pod, even if this updates other pods as well · Issue #6359 · CocoaPods/CocoaPods · GitHub.

What is the difference between POD install and pod update?

Use pod install to install new pods in your project. Even if you already have a Podfile and ran pod install before; so even if you are just adding/removing pods to a project already using CocoaPods. Use pod update [PODNAME] only when you want to update pods to a newer version.

2 Answers

I'm not sure from which version, but if you update your cocoapods installation to the latest version, you'll find two new commands to help with this.

pod outdated 

This will list all pods that have updates available.

pod update 

This will update the pods listed in the previous command

like image 88
Edward Huynh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Edward Huynh

You can add the verbose tag and see if there is an error showing up during the update.

pod install --verbose 

Using --verbose is the best way to find out what is going on. Maybe there is a problem with the repo it is trying to update from. Hard to say.

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Bill Burgess Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Bill Burgess