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What's up with the .NIB -> .XIB?

What's up with the NIB->XIB change somewhere between XCode 3.0 to 3.1? Is there any difference with this name change that I should know while I go through tutorials that mention nothing but the .nib file?

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Devoted Avatar asked Jul 01 '09 09:07


People also ask

What is XIB and NIB explain in detail?

In fact, the acronym "NIB" comes from "NeXTSTEP Interface Builder", and "XIB" from "Xcode Interface Builder". NIBs and XIBs are effectively the same thing: XIBs are newer and are used while you're developing, whereas NIBs are what get produced when you create a build.

What does Xib stand for?

"xib" stands for Xml Interface Builder.

Should I use Xib or storyboard?

Xibs: 1) Fully portable. conclusion: If you are a hobbyist developer who will make an app for his business for fun, you should use storyboard because it will it easier to understand things.

1 Answers

XIB's are very cool. they are basically an un-compiled NIB (in XML format if memory serves me)

during the build process they are converted to NIB's to be deployed in the final product.

like image 128
kent Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
