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PLT Scheme noob: Boolean and/or aren't procedures?

I'm trying to make a truth-table generator for a digital electronics course because that's how I have fun in my spare time and don't judge me.

Anywho, I figured I'd have a hash with the string equivalent of operators as keys, and the Scheme procedures that correspond to those operators as values.


(define  operator-table #hash(("+" . or)
                              ("*" . and)))

So I could do something like

(lambda (a b) ((hash-ref operator-table (string-ref input-str i)) a b))

Now I realize the above probably won't work right, but as it is I can't even tinker with it until I get it right, because apparently and and or are special in Scheme. At the REPL, if I type in not it replies #<procedure:not>. But if I give it and or or, it says and: bad syntax in: and. Is there a procedure version of and I can use? Or do I have to make one with lambda? Or am I missing something entirely?

The only reason I didn't just go with lambda from the get-go is that I don't want to lose the variable-arity abilities of the builtin and [I can do (and #t #f) as well as (and #t #f #f #t #f #t)].

like image 841
Dan Passaro Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 01:01

Dan Passaro

2 Answers

If you want to use a function form of and and or (with the limitation that they will not short-circuit) and not lose the variable arity property, then you can easily do so:

(define (and* . xs) (andmap values xs))
(define (or*  . xs) (ormap values xs))

(values is the idiomatic identity function in (PLT) Scheme.)

like image 69
Eli Barzilay Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 09:01

Eli Barzilay

Yep, they can't be procedures because Scheme (like most languages) is an "eager" language -- every argument to a procedure gets evaluated before the procedure takes control (receiving the argument values). and and or need to "short-circuit" -- stop argument evaluation as soon as the final result is known -- so they can't be regular procedures/functions in any eager language ("lazy" languages, such as Haskell -- where each argument is evaluated only if, when and as needed -- are a very different breed, and don't need this "regular function" versus "special form" distinction... but, alas, Scheme just isn't one of those!).

like image 34
Alex Martelli Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 10:01

Alex Martelli