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Plotly.js adds top-margin to graphs inconsistently, how to prevent it

With Plotly.js I'm getting a top-margin added sometimes (not consistently), where the total height of the graph is 300px, but the graph itself is only 150px high. The SVG container then is stretched and the actual graph is smaller. What can I do to prevent this white-space, and why does it only show up selectively?

Margin above graph

Plotly Matlab syntax that results in 300px div instead of a 300px graph:

    data = {...
        'x', nScan, ...
        'y',fastmotion, ...
         'type', 'scatter')...
    if max(fastmotion) < 0.3
        yminval = 0.3;
        yminval = round(max(fastmotion) + 1);
    layout = struct(...
    'yaxis', struct(...
    'title', 'Movement (mm)', ...
    'range', [0, yminval]));
    header{3} = 'Absolute Movement';
    layout.width = 800;
    layout.height = 300;
    p = plotlyfig; 
    p.data = data;
    p.layout = layout;
    p.PlotOptions.FileName = 'plot_5';
    html_file = plotlyoffline(p);
like image 357
Pascal Pas Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 07:01

Pascal Pas

1 Answers

You can check this answer on a different question, and here is the fiddle.

The quick code you can use:

var layout = {
  margin: {
    l: 20,
    r: 20,
    b: 20,
    t: 20,
    pad: 5
  }, title: false

As mfedoten says on his answer: But be careful if you have tick labels, if you set margins to zero the labels will be cropped

like image 187
Mohammed AlBanna Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10

Mohammed AlBanna