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jVectorMaps image markers

I know this questions has been asked but the op didn't provide any code and I can't edit his answer obviously, so I'll start a new one. My objective is to replace the dot with a custom drop-pin marker that I will eventually have some other action for it. So as a kicker, such action must be identified somehow (perhaps and id) so that I can call it from jQuery, CSS, or javascript and give it some use.


I extracted the map of Pennsylvania from jVectorMaps and the code from the section that explains how to use marker images from this link marker-icons.

This is the original code:

   var plants = [
   {name: 'KKG', coords: [49.9841308, 10.1846373], status: 'activeUntil2018'},
   {name: 'KKK', coords: [53.4104656, 10.4091597], status: 'closed'},
   {name: 'KWG', coords: [52.0348748, 9.4097793], status: 'activeUntil2022'},
   {name: 'KBR', coords: [53.850666, 9.3457603], status: 'closed', offsets: [0, 5]}

new jvm.Map({
   container: $('#map'),
   map: 'de_merc',
   markers: plants.map(function(h){ return {name: h.name, latLng: h.coords} }),
   labels: {
      markers: {
        render: function(index){
          return plants[index].name;
        offsets: function(index){
          var offset = plants[index]['offsets'] || [0, 0];

          return [offset[0] - 7, offset[1] + 3];
   series: {
     markers: [{
       attribute: 'image',
       scale: {
         'closed': '/img/icon-np-3.png',
         'activeUntil2018': '/img/icon-np-2.png',
         'activeUntil2022': '/img/icon-np-1.png'
       values: plants.reduce(function(p, c, i){ p[i] = c.status; return p }, {}),
       legend: {
         horizontal: true,
         title: 'Nuclear power station status',
         labelRender: function(v){
           return {
           closed: 'Closed',
           activeUntil2018: 'Scheduled for shut down<br> before 2018',
           activeUntil2022: 'Scheduled for shut down<br> before 2022'

And this is my version which it does display the map, it does display the location, but only as a dot, not the marker. (See screenshot below) p.s. I don't care about the legend. I'm doing something else for that.

My code:

//------------- Vector maps -------------//
     var prison = [
       {name: 'Albion', coords: [41.890611, -80.366454], status: 'active', offsets: [0, 2]}

    map: 'us-pa_lcc_en',
    scaleColors: ['#f7f9fe', '#29b6d8'],
    normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
    hoverOpacity: 0.7,
    hoverColor: false,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
        initial: {
            fill: '#dde1e7',
            "fill-opacity": 1,
            stroke: '#f7f9fe',
            "stroke-width": 0,
            "stroke-opacity": 0
        hover: {
            "fill-opacity": 0.8
        selected: {
            fill: 'yellow'
    markers: prison.map(function(h){ return {name: h.name, latLng: h.coords} }),
    labels: {
        markers: {
          render: function(index){
            return prison[index].name;
          offsets: function(index){
            var offset = prison[index]['offsets'] || [0, 0];

            return [offset[0] - 7, offset[1] + 3];
    series: {
      markers: [{
        attribute: 'image',
        scale: { 'active': '/img/map-marker-icon.png'},
        values: prison.reduce(function(p, c, i){ p[i] = c.status; return p }, {}),


<div id="pa-map" style="width: 100%; height: 470px"></div>


Irrelevant. I'll design accordingly later.

enter image description here

Thank you in advance!

like image 951
LOTUSMS Avatar asked Dec 19 '15 17:12


1 Answers

To change dot to custom marker   DEMO
If you read there source code they have option for initializing markerStyle in jvm.Map.defaultParam and for markerStyle you can define it as image or fill (switch case is used here) i think in jvm.Legend.prototype.render

They also has Some Event

jvm.Map.apiEvents = {
    onRegionTipShow: "regionTipShow",
    onRegionOver: "regionOver",
    onRegionOut: "regionOut",
    onRegionClick: "regionClick",
    onRegionSelected: "regionSelected",
    onMarkerTipShow: "markerTipShow",
    onMarkerOver: "markerOver",
    onMarkerOut: "markerOut",
    onMarkerClick: "markerClick",
    onMarkerSelected: "markerSelected",
    onViewportChange: "viewportChange"

So here the code UPDATE you can also attach your function to onMarkerClick option

function doWhatever(event, code, obj) {

var prison = [{
  name: 'Albion',
  coords: [41.890611, -80.366454],
  status: 'active',
  offsets: [0, 2]

var ab = $('#pa-map').vectorMap({
  map: 'us-pa_lcc_en',
  scaleColors: ['#f7f9fe', '#29b6d8'],
  normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
  hoverOpacity: 0.7,
  hoverColor: false,
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  regionStyle: {
    initial: {
      fill: '#dde1e7',
      "fill-opacity": 1,
      stroke: '#f7f9fe',
      "stroke-width": 0,
      "stroke-opacity": 0
    hover: {
      "fill-opacity": 0.8
    selected: {
      fill: 'yellow'
  markers: prison.map(function(h) {
    return {
      name: h.name,
      latLng: h.coords
  labels: {
    markers: {
      render: function(index) {
        return prison[index].name;
      offsets: function(index) {
        var offset = prison[index]['offsets'] || [0, 0];

        return [offset[0] - 7, offset[1] + 3];
  markersSelectable: true,
  markerStyle: {
    initial: {
      image: "http://jvectormap.com/img/icon-np-2.png",

  onMarkerClick: function(event, code) {
    doWhatever(event, code, this);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="http://jvectormap.com/css/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="http://jvectormap.com/js/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjornd/jvectormap/master/tests/assets/us/jquery-jvectormap-data-us-pa-lcc-en.js"></script>

<div id="pa-map" style="width: 100%; height: 470px"></div>
like image 67
CY5 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11