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Plotly: how to specify symbol and color based on value?




When plotting with plotly in R, how does one specify a color and a symbol based on a value? For example with the mtcars example dataset, how to plot as a red square if mtcars$mpg is greater or less than 18?

For example:


p <- plot_ly(type = "scatter", data = mtcars, x = rownames(mtcars), y = mtcars$mpg,
             mode = "markers" )

How to get all points above 20 as yellow squares?

like image 599
Kyle Weise Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 16:03

Kyle Weise

1 Answers

you could do something like this:

plot_ly(type = "scatter", data = mtcars, x = rownames(mtcars), y = mtcars$mpg,
        mode = "markers", symbol = ~mpg > 20, symbols = c(16,15),
        color = ~mpg > 20, colors = c("blue", "yellow"))


yes it's possible, I'd make all of your grouping and shape/color specification outside of plot_ly() with cut() first. And then take advantage of the literal I() syntax inside of plot_ly() when referencing your new color and shape vars:


mtcars$shape <- cut(mtcars$mpg,
                    breaks = c(0,18, 26, 100),
                    labels = c("square", "circle", "diamond"))
mtcars$color <- cut(mtcars$mpg,
                    breaks = c(0,18, 26, 100),
                    labels = c("red", "yellow", "green"))

plot_ly(type = "scatter", data = mtcars, x = rownames(mtcars), y = mtcars$mpg,
        mode = "markers", symbol = ~I(shape), color = ~I(color))
like image 121
Nate Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 14:03
