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mget cannot get primitive function like get



I can use get to get primitive function, like:


However, mget failed:

Error: value for ‘$’ not found

Why? How to fix this?

like image 774
lovetl2002 Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 21:03


1 Answers

The default for get is to use inherits = TRUE (I think, based on the docs, for historical reasons), while the default for mget is inherits = FALSE. So using inherits = TRUE should make it work like get.

If you'd like a really detailed (but also very very good) dive into exactly what's happening here read this. Or just skip to the "Map of the World" section, and remember that $, being a primitive function, is in the environment of the of the base namespace (package:base, essentially).

like image 70
joran Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 08:03
