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Plotly: How to create an odd number of subplots?

I want the 5th subplot to be in the centre of the two columns in the third row. (I have tried doing that by adding the domain argument). Here is the code to reproduce it-

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

continent_df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vyaduvanshi/helper-files/master/continent.csv')
temp_cont_df = pd.pivot_table(continent_df, index='continent', aggfunc='last').reset_index()

fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=2, specs=[[{'type':'pie'},{'type':'pie'}],[{'type':'pie'},{'type':'pie'}],

fig.add_pie(labels=continent_df.continent, values=continent_df.new_cases, row=1,col=1)
fig.add_pie(labels=continent_df.continent, values=continent_df.new_deaths, row=1,col=2)
fig.add_pie(labels=continent_df.continent, values=continent_df.new_recovered, row=2,col=1)
fig.add_pie(labels=continent_df.continent, values=continent_df.new_tests, row=2,col=2)
fig.add_pie(labels=temp_cont_df.continent, values=temp_cont_df.active_cases, row=3,col=1,domain={'x':[0.25,0.75],'y':[0,0.33]})

enter image description here

If I do not include the 6th plot in the specs argument, it throws an error.

like image 275
callmeanythingyouwant Avatar asked Sep 26 '20 09:09


Video Answer

1 Answers

You can achieve this through a correct setup of domain. Here's an example that will have a figure in each of the four corners and one figure in the middle.


enter image description here

Complete code:

import plotly
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go

labels = ['Oxygen','Hydrogen','Carbon_Dioxide','Nitrogen']
values = [4500,2500,1053,500]
domains = [
    {'x': [0.0, 0.33], 'y': [0.0, 0.33]},
    {'x': [0.33, 0.66], 'y': [0.33, 0.66]},
    {'x': [0.0, 0.33], 'y': [0.66, 1.0]},
    {'x': [0.66, 1.00], 'y': [0.0, 0.33]},
    {'x': [0.66, 1.0], 'y': [0.66, 1.00]},
traces = []

for domain in domains:
    trace = go.Pie(labels = labels,
                   values = values,
                   domain = domain,
                   hoverinfo = 'label+percent+name')

layout = go.Layout(height = 600,
                   width = 600,
                   autosize = False,
                   title = 'Main title')
fig = go.Figure(data = traces, layout = layout)
#py.iplot(fig, show_link = False)
like image 144
vestland Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
