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Plotly as png in knitr/rmarkdown

The following Rmarkdown renders the plotly 3D graph in HTML, but not in PDF.

Testing plotly

p <- plot_ly(data=iris, x=~Sepal.Length, y=~Sepal.Width, z=~Petal.Length, 
             color=~Species, symbols=c(0,1), type="scatter3d", mode="markers")

A snapshot of the graph appears as follows:

enter image description here

According to the plotly help page:

If you are using rmarkdown with HTML output, printing a plotly object in a code chunk will result in an interactive HTML graph. When using rmarkdown with non-HTML output, printing a plotly object will result in a png screenshot of the graph.

Is there a way to render the plotly graph in a PDF?

Note: The error from rmarkdown::render() is:

Error: Functions that produce HTML output found in document targeting latex output.
Please change the output type of this document to HTML. Alternatively, you can allow
HTML output in non-HTML formats by adding this option to the YAML front-matter of
your rmarkdown file:

  always_allow_html: yes

Note however that the HTML output will not be visible in non-HTML formats.
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Megatron Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 17:10


People also ask

Can you use Plotly in RMarkdown?

If you are creating R charts in an RMarkdown environment with HTML output (such as RStudio), simply printing a graph you created using the plotly R package in a code chunk will result in an interactive HTML graph in the viewer.

Can you insert an image RMarkdown?

To insert an image, you can also use an R code chunk. --- title: "R Markdown Tips and Tricks" output: html_document --- You can also insert an image using R code: ```{r} knitr::include_graphics("img/rmarkdown_hex. png") ``` The image looks smaller by default though.

How do I embed a plot in R markdown?

You can embed an R code chunk like this: ```{r} summary(cars) ``` You can also embed plots, for example: ```{r, echo=FALSE} plot(cars) ``` Note that the `echo = FALSE` parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.

How do you embed Plotly in HTML?

To share a plot from the Chart Studio Workspace, click 'Share' button on the left-hand side after saving the plot. The Share modal will pop-up and display a link under the 'Embed' tab. You can then copy and paste this link to your website. You have the option of embedding your plot as an HTML snippet or iframe.

2 Answers

I have created a little workaround, which saves the plotly images locally as png-file and imports it back to the RMD file. You need the package webshot, which you can load via:


Further more, you need to install phantomjs via


Then (when phantomjs is in your PATH), you can create your RMD file:

title: "Untitled"
output: pdf_document

p <- plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~unemploy / pop)

tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(p, file = tmpFile)
![Caption for the picture.](`r tmpFile`)

This works for me .. perhaps it's a workaround for you, too!

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J_F Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10


As @hrbrmstr commented, export() previously didn't support WebGL at all, but more recent versions support exporting to png via RSelenium (see help(export, package = "plotly")). If you need pdf export, you'll have to pay for a cloud account -- https://plot.ly/products/cloud/

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Carson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
