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Plot a black-and-white binary map in matplotlib

I'm using python to simulate some automation models, and with the help of matplotlib I'm producing plots like the one shown below.

enter image description here

I'm currently plotting with the following command:

ax.imshow(self.g, cmap=map, interpolation='nearest') 

where self.g is the binary map (0 -> blue, 1 -> red in my current plots).

However, to include this in my report I would like the plot to be with black dots on white background instead of red on blue. How do I accomplish that?

like image 697
Tomas Aschan Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 18:03

Tomas Aschan

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2 Answers

You can change the color map you are using via the cmap keyword. The color map 'Greys' provides the effect you want. You can find a list of available maps on the scipy website.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np  np.random.seed(101) g = np.floor(np.random.random((100, 100)) + .5)  plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(g) plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(g, cmap='Greys',  interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig('blkwht.png')  plt.show() 

which results in:

enter image description here

like image 122
Yann Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10


There is an alternative method to Yann's answer that gives you finer control. Matplotlib's imshow can take a MxNx3 matrix where each entry is the RGB color value - just set them to white [1,1,1] or black [0,0,0] accordingly. If you want three colors it's easy to expand this method.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np  # Z is your data set N = 100 Z = np.random.random((N,N))  # G is a NxNx3 matrix G = np.zeros((N,N,3))  # Where we set the RGB for each pixel G[Z>0.5] = [1,1,1] G[Z<0.5] = [0,0,0]  plt.imshow(G,interpolation='nearest') plt.show() 

enter image description here

like image 40
Hooked Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10
