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PlayFramework: How to generate JSON without optional fields set to null

Here below is a class for creating an account:

class Account private(private var json: JsValue) {

  private def setValue(key: JsPath, value: JsValue) = {
    value match {
      case JsNull => json.transform(key.json.prune).map(t => json = t)
      case _ => json.transform((__.json.update(key.json.put(value)))).map(t => json = t)

  def asJson = json

  def id_= (v: Option[String]) = setValue((__ \ 'id), Json.toJson(v))
  def id = json as (__ \ 'id).readNullable[String]
  def name = json as (__ \ 'name).read[String]
  def name_= (v: String) = setValue((__ \ 'name), Json.toJson(v))
  def ownerId = json as (__ \ 'ownerId).read[String]
  def ownerId_= (v: String) = setValue((__ \ 'ownerId), Json.toJson(v))
  def openingTime = json as (__ \ 'openingTime).read[LocalDateTime]
  def openingTime_= (v: LocalDateTime) = setValue((__ \ 'openingTime), Json.toJson(v))
  def closingTime = json as (__ \ 'closingTime).readNullable[LocalDateTime]
  def closingTime_= (v: Option[LocalDateTime]) = setValue((__ \ 'closingTime),    Json.toJson(v))

  def copy(json: JsValue) = Account(this.json.as[JsObject] ++ json.as[JsObject]).get

object Account {

  val emptyObj = __.json.put(Json.obj())

  def apply(json: JsValue): JsResult[Account] = {
      valid = { validated => JsSuccess(new Account(validated)) },
      invalid = { errors => JsError(errors) }

  def apply(
    id: Option[String],
    name: String,
    ownerId: String,
    openingTime: LocalDateTime,
    closingTime: Option[LocalDateTime]
  ): JsResult[Account] = apply(Json.obj(
    "id" -> id,
    "name" -> name,
    "ownerId" -> ownerId,
    "openingTime" -> openingTime,
    "closingTime" -> closingTime

  def unapply(account: Account) = {
    if (account eq null) None
    else Some((

  implicit val accountFormat = new Format[Account] {
    def reads(json: JsValue) = Account(json)
    def writes(account: Account) = account.json

    * Validates the JSON representation of an [[Account]].
  private[auth] val validateAccount = (
    ((__ \ 'id).json.pickBranch or emptyObj) ~
    ((__ \ 'name).json.pickBranch) ~
    ((__ \ 'ownerId).json.pickBranch) ~
    ((__ \ 'openingTime).json.pickBranch) ~
    ((__ \ 'closingTime).json.pickBranch or emptyObj)

As you can see, there are some fields that are optional like id and closingTime. If the optional fields are None, the apply method above produces the following JSON:

  "id" : null,
  "name" : "Default",
  "ownerId" : "52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf",
  "openingTime" : "2014-02-02T19:22:54.708",
  "closingTime" : null

Even if this might be correct, it is not what I'm looking for. For instance, if the optional fields are None, I need to get the following JSON:

  "name" : "Default",
  "ownerId" : "52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf",
  "openingTime" : "2014-02-02T19:22:54.708",

Having said that, how do I prevent apply from generating the null fields? Shall I replace the Json.obj(...) stuff with something like this?

  Seq() ++ (if (id.isDefined) Seq("id" -> JsString(id.get)) else Seq()
  ) ++ Seq(
    "name" -> JsString(name),
    "ownerId" -> JsString(ownerId),
    "openingTime" -> Json.toJson(openingTime)
  ) ++ (if (closingTime.isDefined) Seq("closingTime" -> Json.toJson(closingTime)) else Seq()

Is there a better way?

like image 250
j3d Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 18:02


1 Answers

With Writes produced by Json.writes you'll get no nulls:

case class Account(id: Option[String],
                   name: String,
                   ownerId: String,
                   openingTime: Int,
                   closingTime: Option[Int])

// in general you should add this to companion object Account
implicit val accountWrites = Json.writes[Account]

val acc = Account(None, "Default", "52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf", 666, None)

Json prettyPrint Json.toJson(acc)
// String = 
// {
//   "name" : "Default",
//   "ownerId" : "52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf",
//   "openingTime" : 666
// }

You could implement Writes[(Option[String], String, String, Int, Option[Int])] by yourself if you don't want to use a custom class Account like this:

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

val customWrites = (
  (JsPath \ "id").writeNullable[String] ~
  (JsPath \ "name").write[String] ~
  (JsPath \ "ownerId").write[String] ~
  (JsPath \ "openingTime").write[Int] ~
  (JsPath \ "closingTime").writeNullable[Int]

customWrites writes (None, "Default", "52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf", 666, None)
// JsObject = {"name":"Default","ownerId":"52dfc13ec20900c2093155cf","openingTime":666}
like image 123
senia Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
