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Plain image in Windows Forms StatusStrip control

I'm trying to put a plain image on a System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip control (Visual Studio 2008, C# .Net 3.5).

I remember being able to do it quite easily in earlier framework versions, but for some reason the only controls made available to me from this new StatusStrip are a StatusLabel, a ProgressBar, a DropDownButton, and a SplitButton.

I'm using the SplitButton control at the moment as it lets me include an image, but it's obviously not ideal as it has the menu dropdown attached to it.

Is there a way I can add a plain image to this StatusStrip control? Should I be using a different Windows Forms control?

like image 495
Damovisa Avatar asked Mar 30 '09 06:03


People also ask

What is the statusstrip class in Windows Forms?

In Windows Forms, the StatusStrip class represents the StatusStrip control. Similar to any other Windows control, we create a class object, set its properties, methods and events and add the control to the Form's controls. The code snippet in Listing 1 creates a StatusStrip control.

Where is the status strip in Visual Studio Code?

StatusStrip Control StatusStrip control displays windows status. It is usually at the bottom of a window. We use a ToolStrip hyperlink in the C# windows forms Status Bar. StatusStrip replaces and extends the Status Bar control of the previous version.

What is the difference between statusstrip and StatusBar?

The StatusStrip control is much more powerful than the StatusBar control in the previous versions of Windows Forms. The StatusStrip control can not only display the text status in the status bar area but also allows us to host other child controls such as a DropDownMenu, ProgressBar, and a SplitButton.

How to display windows status in Toolstrip?

StatusStrip control displays windows status. It is usually at the bottom of a window. We use a ToolStrip hyperlink in the C# windows forms Status Bar.

1 Answers

Add StatusLabel controls and use the Image property.

like image 136
Peter Lillevold Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 19:11

Peter Lillevold