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C# SQlite Connection String Format

I have a 2 part question here:

  1. I downloaded SQLite from SQLite Website and for .NET 4.5 there was a "mixed" mode version and a "non-mixed mode" version. How do I know which one I should use?

When making a connection I use the following command:

>sqlite_conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=db.db;Version=3;New=True;Compress=True;");

  1. The "Version=3" I assume represents the version of SQLite being used. If I download from the link above, the version says System.Data.SQLite ( package; should I change the Version=3 to Version= instead?
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Kairan Avatar asked Mar 31 '13 04:03


1 Answers

  1. You should pick the Mixed one.
  2. the is the newest version out for the SQLite DLL. I created an application with SQLite too in c#, my connection string looks like the following:

    sqlite_conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\SQLITEDATABASES\SQLITEDB1.sqlite;Version=3;");

The version you are using, is SQLite version 3, the DLL is just a different version, but works with SQLite version 3.

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Max Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10
