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Linq to XML selecting a node bases on a attribute value

I have an xml file that returns a set of elements that are unique by a attribute value. This presents a problem, as I can not select a node by its name:

    <float name="score">1.2873721</float>
    <arr name="2_category">
    <arr name="ATR_FamilyName">
        <str>Some Cookbook </str>
    <arr name="ATR_IsFamily">
    <arr name="ATR_SellPrice">
    <arr name="ATR_VendorId">
    <arr name="ATR_VendorName">

I am using linq to populate a "Product" class. I am able to select the elements by position, however this becomes a problem if the node doesn't exist. Is there a way to select a node based on the value of its attribute? In the below example, can I get the arr node if the @name attribute = "ATR_FamilyName"? In xpath it would be:

doc/arr[@name = 'ATR_FamilyName']/str

here is my linq to xml query:

var query = from rt in results
   where (String)rt.Descendants().ElementAt(5).Element("str").Value == "0"
   select new Product.Product
                FamilyName = (String)rt.Descendants().ElementAt(3).Value
                // doc/arr[@name = 'ATR_FamilyName']/str - select Family Name is arr/@name 'ATR_FamilyName'                              
like image 782
PhillyNJ Avatar asked Oct 25 '11 16:10


People also ask

Does LINQ work with XML?

The most important advantage of LINQ to XML is its integration with Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). This integration enables you to write queries on the in-memory XML document to retrieve collections of elements and attributes.

What is an XML element attribute vs element?

Attributes are part of XML elements. An element can have multiple unique attributes. Attribute gives more information about XML elements. To be more precise, they define properties of elements.

What is XElement C#?

The XElement class is one of the fundamental classes in LINQ to XML. It represents an XML element. The following list shows what you can use this class for: Create elements. Change the content of the element.

What is an XML node?

Node. Everything in an XML document is a node. For example, the entire document is the document node, and every element is an element node. Root node. The topmost node of a tree.

2 Answers

Like AS-CII's answer, but without using a query expression (except for the outer one), and with the cast for XAttribute, and selecting the str element value inside an anonymous type:

select new Product.Product
    FamilyName = rt.Descendants("arr")
                   .Where(x => (string) x.Attribute("name") == "ATR_FamilyName")
                   .Select(x => (string) x.Element("str"))

Note that the use of a cast for the result of the call to Attribute("name") means that if there are any elements which don't have the attribute, the cast will result in a null reference (which isn't equal to the string literal). If you use the Value property, you'll get an exception. Sometimes an exception may be better - if that indicates that the data is fundamentally broken and you want to find out about it rather than just not match the value.

(The same is true for the cast of the XElement to string.)

like image 191
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Jon Skeet

With LINQ you can easily select just the nodes that have a specified attribute, like this:

var query = from node in results.Descendants("arr") // I believe you could use results.Elements("arr") here
            where node.Attribute("name").Value == "ATR_FamilyName"
            select new Product
                FamilyName = node.Element("str").Value
like image 45
as-cii Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
