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How to XmlSerialize System.Drawing.Font class

The classSystem.Drawing.Font is not XML Serializable since it doesn't have a default (empty) constructor.
Is there some work around or alternative way to serialize Font nevertheless?

like image 821
Ronny Avatar asked Dec 21 '09 13:12


1 Answers

Edit: I updated the code according to Regent suggestion to use FontConverter, while preserving the ability to use the SerializableFont as regular Font.

public class SerializableFont
    public SerializableFont()
        FontValue = null;

    public SerializableFont(Font font)
        FontValue = font;

    public Font FontValue { get; set; }

    public string SerializeFontAttribute
            return FontXmlConverter.ConvertToString(FontValue);
            FontValue = FontXmlConverter.ConvertToFont(value);

    public static implicit operator Font(SerializableFont serializeableFont)
        if (serializeableFont == null )
            return null;
        return serializeableFont.FontValue;

    public static implicit operator SerializableFont(Font font)
        return new SerializableFont(font);

public static class FontXmlConverter
    public static string ConvertToString(Font font)
            if (font != null)
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Font));
                return converter.ConvertToString(font);
                return null;
        catch { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to convert"); }
        return null;
    public static Font ConvertToFont(string fontString)
            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Font));
            return (Font)converter.ConvertFromString(fontString);
        catch { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to convert"); }
        return null;

Usage: When you have a Font property, declare it as SerializableFont. This will allow it to be serialized, while the implicit cast will handle the conversion for you.

Instead of writing:

Font MyFont {get;set;}


SerializableFont MyFont {get;set;}
like image 92
Elad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
