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Piping find to find




I want to pipe a find result to a new find. What I have is:

find . -iname "2010-06*" -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -0 find '{}' -iname "*.jpg"

Expected result: Second find receives a list of folders starting with 2010-06, second find returns a list of jpg's contained within those folders.

Actual result: "find: ./2010-06 New York\n: unknown option"

Oh darn. I have a feeling it concerns the format of the output that the second find receives as input, but my only idea was to suffix -print0 to first find, with no change whatsoever.

Any ideas?

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Harold Smith Avatar asked Apr 24 '11 23:04

Harold Smith

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1 Answers

Useless use of xargs.

find 2010-06* -iname "*.jpg"

At least Gnu-find accepts multiple paths to search in. -maxdepth and type -d is implicitly assumed.

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user unknown Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 10:10

user unknown