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Pipeline in lookup aggregation not working in mongodb

I am new to mongodb so I hope this does not come-off as a very elementary question. I've done some research and tried to apply what I've found but something just seems to escape me.

I have two collections of the following format:

    "shopId": "1002",
    "shopPosId": "10002",
    "description": "some description"

    "shopId": "9000",
    "shopPosId": "0000",
    "clientUid": "474192"

I want to join those and before doing so, I want to filter out the Shops which do not have the shopPosId field.

Here's my code:

            from: "Shop",
            localField: "shopId",
            foreignField: "shopId",
            let: {"Shop.shopPosId": "$shopPosId"},
            pipeline: [{$match: {"shopPosId": {"$exists": false}}}],
            as: "shopDescr"

the returned result is an undefined, which means the query doesn't make much sense (because in fact I should at least get a void array).

Is this because the two collections have the shopPosId field? (if so, isn't this line let: {"Shop.shopPosId": "$shopPosId"} supposed to take care of it ?)

like image 996
KitKatKot Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 14:07


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1 Answers

As Alex commented you are mixing both the $lookup syntax here... So the correct will be

  { "$match": { "$and": [{ "clientUid": clientUid }] }},
  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "Shop",
    "let": { "shopId": "$shopId" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": {
        "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$shopId", "$$shopId" ] },
        "shopPosId": { "$exists": false }
    "as": "shopDescr"
like image 164
Ashh Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
