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Pipe complete array-objects instead of array items one at a time?

How do you send the output from one CmdLet to the next one in a pipeline as a complete array-object instead of the individual items in the array one at a time?

The problem - Generic description
As can be seen in help for about_pipelines (help pipeline) powershell sends objects one at the time down the pipeline¹. So Get-Process -Name notepad | Stop-Process sends one process at the time down the pipe.

Lets say we have a 3rd party CmdLet (Do-SomeStuff) that can't be modified or changed in any way. Do-SomeStuff perform different if it is passed an array of strings or if it is passed a single string object.

Do-SomeStuff is just an example, it could be substituted for ForEach-Object, Select-Object, Write-Host (or any other CmdLet accepting pipeline input)

Do-SomeStuff will in this example process the individual items in the array one at the time.

$theArray = @("A", "B", "C") $theArray | Do-SomeStuff 

If we want to send the complete array as one object to Do-SomeStuff one might try something like this

@($theArray) | Do-SomeStuff 

But it does not produce the expected result since PowerShell "ignores" the new single-item-array.

So, how do you "force" $theArray to be passed down the pipe as a single array-object instead of the content items one at the time?

The problem - practical example
As shown below the output of Write-Host is different if passed an array or if it passed the individual items in the array one at the time.

PS C:\> $theArray = @("A", "B", "C") PS C:\> Write-Host $theArray A B C PS C:\> $theArray | foreach{Write-Host $_} A B C PS C:\> @($theArray) | foreach{Write-Host $_} A B C 

How do you do to get $theArray | foreach{Write-Host $_} to produce the same output as Write-Host $theArray ?


  1. Pipeline processing in Powershell

A normal array of strings

PS C:\> @("A", "B", "C").GetType().FullName System.Object[] 

A normal array of strings piped to Foreach-Object

PS C:\> @("A", "B", "C") | foreach{$_.GetType().FullName} System.String System.String System.String 

Each string in the array is processed one at the time by the ForEach-Object CmdLet.

An array of arrays, where the "inner" arrays are arrays of strings.

PS C:\> @(@("A", "B", "C"), @("D", "E", "F"), @("G", "H", "I")) | foreach{$_.GetType().FullName} System.Object[] System.Object[] System.Object[] 

Each array in the array is processed one at the time by the ForEach-Object CmdLet, and the content of each sub-array from the input is handled as one object even though it is an array.

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NoOneSpecial Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 16:04


1 Answers

Short answer: use unary array operator ,:

,$theArray | foreach{Write-Host $_} 

Long answer: there is one thing you should understand about @() operator: it always interpret its content as statement, even if content is just an expression. Consider this code:

$a='A','B','C' $b=@($a;) $c=@($b;) 

I add explicit end of statement mark ; here, although PowerShell allows to omit it. $a is array of three elements. What result of $a; statement? $a is a collection, so collection should be enumerated and each individual item should be passed by pipeline. So result of $a; statement is three elements written to pipeline. @($a;) see that three elements, but not the original array, and create array from them, so $b is array of three elements. Same way $c is array of same three elements. So when you write @($collection) you create array, that copy elements of $collection, instead of array of single element.

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user4003407 Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 08:11
