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Check if all values in array are true, then return a true boolean statement (javascript) [duplicate]

I have an array of booleans, which begins as false, because at least one of the values is false: var validation = [false, true, true] In certain moment, it'll have all the options(index) as "true", like: validation = [true, true, true] How can I set this array as "true" when all the options are true?

Sorry for the silly question.

like image 436
jeanm Avatar asked Dec 22 '18 17:12


People also ask

How do you check if all booleans in an array are true?

To check if all values in an array are truthy, use the every() method to iterate over the array and return each value straight away. If all values in the array are truthy, the every method will return true , otherwise it returns false .

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To check if an array contains duplicates: Use the Array. some() method to iterate over the array. Check if the index of the first occurrence of the current value is NOT equal to the index of its last occurrence. If the condition is met, then the array contains duplicates.

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To check if all values in an array are equal:Use the Array. every() method to iterate over the array. Check if each array element is equal to the first one. The every method only returns true if the condition is met for all array elements.

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To check if all values in an array are falsy, use the every() method to iterate over the array, convert each value to boolean, negate it, and return the result. If all values in the array are falsy, the every method will return true .

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If you ever need to check if an array only has true values in JavaScript, you can use Array.every in combination of the global Boolean object:

How to check if every element of an array pass test?

In case no element is less than or equal zero, the value of the result variable remains true. This code is simple and straight forward. However, it is quite verbose. JavaScript Array type provides the every () method that allows you to check if every element of an array pass a test in a shorter and cleaner way.

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Use the Object.values () method to get an array of the object's values. Call the every () method on the array. The every method will test if all values in the array are equal to true and will return the result. We used the Object.values method to get an array of the object's values. The next step is to call the Array.every method on the result.

What are the truthy and falsy values in JavaScript?

There is a distinction between the boolean value true and a truthy value. The falsy values in JavaScript are: null, undefined, false, 0, "" (empty string), NaN (not a number). All other values in the language are truthy. If you return any other (than the aforementioned 6 values) for all iterations of the every method, the method returns true.

2 Answers

You can use .every() method:

let arr1 = [false, true, true],      arr2 = [true, true, true];    let checker = arr => arr.every(v => v === true);    console.log(checker(arr1));  console.log(checker(arr2));

As mentioned by @Pointy, you can simply pass Boolean as callback to every():

let arr1 = [false, true, true],      arr2 = [true, true, true];    let checker = arr => arr.every(Boolean);    console.log(checker(arr1));  console.log(checker(arr2));
like image 127
Mohammad Usman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Mohammad Usman

You can use this to check if every values in array is true,

like image 22
Sandeepa Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
