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`pip install pyside` freezes on Linux?





Here's the terminal output:

alien@alien-linux:~$ pip install pyside
Collecting pyside
  Using cached PySide-1.2.4.tar.gz
Building wheels for collected packages: pyside
  Running setup.py bdist_wheel for pyside

Nothing seems to happen beyond where I have just gotten to, and I have tried waiting for a good 20-25 minutes. Any ideas why this might be the case?

According to the answers to this question, the recommended way for installing pyside on Ubuntu is through the official repositories, but if I do that, I get ImportError (no module found) if I try something like import pyside.

like image 588
bzm3r Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 22:03


1 Answers

Waiting 20-25min might not suffice; it's possibly downloading and compiling Qt in the background, which is an enormous project.

You should definitely not install pyside via pip if you can help it at all.

I get ImportError (no module found) if I try something like import pyside.

No surprise here:

it's import PySide, not pyside.

like image 163
Marcus Müller Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 14:03

Marcus Müller