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How to run Odoo 8 along with Odoo 9?

I have installed both Odoo 8.0 and 9.0. I have the Odoo 8.0 working fine on port 8069 but when I installed Odoo 9.0 and got it working on port 8070, Odoo 8.0 now throws 500 server error.

I tried to reinstall Odoo 8.0 from start, but this time using virtualenv so it does not conflict with the dependencies of Odoo 9.0, but running it using:

(Odoo8venv)user@domain:~/Odoo8venv/bin/python ~/odoo-8.0/odoo.py -c ~/odoo-dev/custom.conf

Still throws error:

2015-11-20 01:32:50,660 6772 ERROR test openerp.modules.graph: module website_partner: Unmet dependencies: website
2015-11-20 01:32:50,660 6772 ERROR test openerp.modules.graph: module portal: Unmet dependencies: share, auth_signup
2015-11-20 01:32:50,660 6772 WARNING test openerp.modules.graph: Some modules were not loaded.

I think it is because Odoo 8.0 sees the databases created using Odoo 9.0. Should I create a new postgresql server on a different port for Odoo 8.0? Or how can I make both of them run?

like image 712
macdelacruz Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 02:03


1 Answers

You can run the two at the same time you just have to set correctly the addons-path, xmlrpc-port and the db-filter.

In a terminal (if on a unix-based platform), you can create a custom command line like:

/home/odoo8/odoo8.py --xmlrpc-port 1337 --addons-path='/home/odoo8/addons' --db-filter=^odoo_8$
/home/odoo7/odoo7.py --xmlrpc-port 1337 --addons-path='/home/odoo7/addons' --db-filter=^odoo_7$
like image 172
Joseph Florian Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 23:03

Joseph Florian