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pip: Any workaround to avoid --allow-external?

Recent versions of pip installer hasn’t installed packages that do not upload their package files to PyPI unless the user explicitly provide --allow-external option (related answer).

I want to distribute my package that depend on such library like dirspec. Currently I have to tell users of my package to install my package by the following command:

$ pip install --allow-external dirspec MyPackage

It becomes more problematic when it comes to library packaging. If my package is a library I also have to tell authors of packages that depend on my package to tell their users to install their package by the following command:

$ pip install --allow-external dirspec TheirPackage

Is there any workaround to avoid this situtation?

like image 745
minhee Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 13:04


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There are a number of alternatives to pip that you may want to try. Conda is the package and environment manager that comes bundled with Anaconda. Conda has its own package repository that can be used to install Python packages into a Conda virtual environment.

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If you're in an active virtual environment, then the command installs pip into that environment. Otherwise, it installs pip globally on your system.

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This open a normal Command Prompt. To open a command prompt as an administrator, press the “Windows Key+R” to open a “Run” dialog box, then type “cmd” and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open an administrator Command Prompt.

2 Answers

You are asking for workaround of security feature. Installing from external site without my knowledge could be considered harmful.

There might be alternative solution: either rely on pip complaining about required package being not reachable without that switch, or trying to give such an instruction from your installation code. However, the second approach would fail, if you really declare dependency on such package, as pip would try first installing the external one, thus not giving your setup.py a chance to say anything. You would have to make your package independent on it and print out from setup.py an instruction to install some package from external site. This sounds even more complicated.

I would assume, that such situation (being dependent on external package) will be popular enough, that pip will take care about giving enough instructive hint how to resolve such dependency.

EDIT: Testing installation with current version of pip (1.5.4) shows, that there is such hint proposing to use a switch --use-external printed.

$ pip install gitlle
Downloading/unpacking gittle
Downloading/unpacking mimer (from gittle)
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement mimer (from gittle)
  Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external mimer to allow).
Cleaning up...
like image 126
Jan Vlcinsky Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Jan Vlcinsky

The right thing to do is include the requirements in your tarball or in a mega-tarball containing their projects and yours. Then pip will happily install from the local files.

like image 29
Sean Perry Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Sean Perry