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PHPStorm php-code indentation



I need these chunks of code to be indented properly like this:

$this->render('rights', array(
    'admin' => $admin,
    'editor' => $editor,
    'author' => $author,

and widget snippet:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
    'items' => array(
        array('label' => 'label', 'url' => 'url')
)); ?>

With default PHPStorm settings it indents this code like this:

$this->render('rights', array(
                             'admin' => $admin,
                             'editor' => $editor,
                             'author' => $author,

I went to Settings->Code Style->Wrapping and Braces and changed following options:

  • Array initializer -> Align when multiple (uncheck)
  • Method call arguments -> Align when multiple (uncheck)

The result is:

$this->render('rights', array(
        'admin' => $admin,
        'editor' => $editor,
        'author' => $author,

Still not the style I want, but that's all I managed to accomplish. Can you please point me to the option I need to change?

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Rem Zolotykh Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 02:06

Rem Zolotykh

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3 Answers

Try selecting all the code and clicking : Ctrl + Alt + I
It's auto indentation shortcut ...

like image 84
Naty Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09


It seems a to be a known issue. Please watch/vote or add your comments there.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09


I think this will help you in formatting Your code https://laracasts.com/series/how-to-be-awesome-in-phpstorm/episodes/8

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mercury Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
