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phpStorm 7 update docblock

Is there a way to ask phpStorm to update the contents of a docblock? eg if I have the following code

 * @param string $url
 * @return $this
public function setBaseUrl($url)
    $this->baseUrl = $url;
    return $this;

and add another parameter

 * @param string $url
 * @return $this
public function setBaseUrl($url, $anotherParameter)
    $this->baseUrl = $url;
    return $this;

is there a way to ask phpStorm to create the @param $anotherParameter in my docblock? (in a single keystroke or by menu selection)?

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Steve Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 22:11


3 Answers

Alt+Enter (Show Intention Actions) on the comment, then Enter again.

This is configurable via [Settings > Keymap] then [Other > Show Intention Actions]

Alternatively you can do the same with mouse if you click on the comment, and then on the yellow bulb that shows up.

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Maciej Sz Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 02:11

Maciej Sz

I used to press Control-Enter inside the dock block and it used to update. And for some reason it stopped working.

Finally I figured that PHPStorm has changed its behavior.

Now you need to put the cursor on the missing variable name and then press Control-Enter. It will update the dock block.

And of course make sure that phpDoc inspection is enabled as Steve has mentioned in the comment. Also have a read of http://blog.jetbrains.com/webide/2011/05/phpdoc-inspections/

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zainengineer Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 02:11


In the new version of PHPStorm 2016.x you need to place your cursor in the missing variable name and press alt + enter then hit again enter to add the missing param to the doc block. If you need to remove a parameter you need to go to the extra param and press the same key strokes.

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Amaynut Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 02:11
