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PHPStorm JSX/React syntax highlighting

I'm using PHPStorm 8.0.3 for my current project, but unfortunately it doesn't support JSX. In my React components (which are then compiled by Browserify) HTML gets underlined in red and invalidated:

PHPStorm React Template

This is just a small component, but it surely gets pretty annoying with bigger ones. Also code formatting doesn't work as expected.

  1. Is there a (hard to find) setting which enables the correct syntax highlighting?
  2. If there is no such setting, is it possible to download a corresponding package?
  3. If there is no support at all, how do I extend PHPStorm (maybe by a custom Color/Syntax Schema) to accept HTML within my js files?
like image 649
lenny.myr Avatar asked May 18 '15 17:05


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1 Answers

I had the same problem and solution is to either use JSX Harmony on PHPStorm 8:

Preferences / Languages & Frameworks / JavaScript

set JavaScript language version to JSX Harmony

or move to PHPStorm 9 EAP. I hope PHPStorm 9 will be available soon, though (as I had performance issue with EAP version).

like image 187
Tomasz Racia Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Tomasz Racia