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PhpMyAdmin export does not include PRIMARY KEY as mysqldump

Export of the struture of the same table with PhpMyAdmin:

`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_apprentis`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test_apprentis` (
  `a_id` smallint(10) NOT NULL,
  `a_promo_id` smallint(11) NOT NULL,
  `a_cursus` smallint(10) DEFAULT NULL

Export with mysqldump:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_apprentis`;
/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
CREATE TABLE `test_apprentis` (
  `a_id` smallint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `a_promo_id` smallint(11) NOT NULL,
  `a_cursus` smallint(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`a_id`)

With PhpMyAdmin, there is no AUTO_INCREMENT nor PRIMARY KEY Why ?

like image 237
Otomatic Avatar asked Feb 13 '15 18:02


2 Answers

Another thing to watch out for in this regard when using export and import is the limit on number of transactions when importing. There is no warning that the number has been exceeded and the excess have not been executed. This means that some tables might be present but not have had their Indexes and/or AUTO_INCREMENTS updated particularly when importing whole databases. Depending on the number of tables and their structure there could be three times that number of transactions required so it would pay to check and adjust the relevant parameter in the php.ini file.

like image 157
Harry Avatar answered Feb 12 '23 21:02


It is not a silly question, phpMyAdmin used to include the KEYs at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement and their characteristics right next to their column name declaration. Following their 2014 changes log, after version (2014-05-08) the export file structure was changed:

  • rfe #1004 Create indexes at the end in SQL export

So we must look the end of the exported file to find all the indexes info

like image 23
carcanholo Avatar answered Feb 12 '23 19:02
