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phpmyadmin error during installation "Empty value for 'port' specified."


I have been trying to install phpmyadmin on my digitalocean droplet using ubuntu 14.04 / mysql 5.7.12 . I have a LAMP stack with apache as the web server.

During installation I keep getting the error shown here. error message E

I am pretty new to phpmyadmin and wondering why I keep getting this. Previously installing phpmyadmin with an older version of mysql was error free. I am trying to install it as a non-root sudo user.

Any direction or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

like image 690
alionthego Avatar asked May 07 '16 14:05


People also ask

How do I install phpMyAdmin?

Step 2: Downloading And Installing PHPMyAdminOnce the file has been downloaded, run the following command to unzip it. Wait for the command to finish its process. Once done, run the following command to delete the zip. Let's rename the folder so that we can access it easily by running the following command.

What is phpMyAdmin error?

A database connection error means that your phpMyAdmin tool is not able to connect to the MySQL database. Usually, this is because the MAMP phpMyAdmin configuration file has the incorrect settings.

1 Answers

My machine configuration - Ubuntu 16.04 - MySql 5.7.13 - PHP 7.0.8 - Apache 2.4.18

Edit the file /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf, changing

dbc_dbport='' to dbc_dbport='0'

After editing the file and saving it, if you are still on the dbconfig-common wizard select retry; if not run sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin (choose Yes when asked you if you want to Reinstall database for phpmyadmin) and continue normally without changing any value. If you want to change some value do it in the file that you have edited before.

When configuration window asks what you want to do with existing configuration file choose Keep the local version currently installed.

At this point you can check the differences and only those must exist that you made in the file.

like image 152
William Ardila Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

William Ardila