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PHPDox File not found

I was trying to run phpdox on windows server 2012 - but I am getting the error:

PHP Version: 7.0.5 (WINNT)
PHPDox Version:
Exception: TheSeer\phpDox\Generator\TokenFileException (Code: 1)
Location: phar://D:/htdocs/AscPro/bin/phpdox-
ject/TokenFile.php (Line 19)

File 'file:/D:/htdocs/AscPro/build/phpdox/tokens/AppBundle/AppBundle.php.xml'
not found

I've checked the location, the file is not missing. I'm running into this problem during continuous integration process with jenkins. It is very strange, because the same phpdox version did work for me on ubuntu. Maybe this is related to the fact, that all programs lay on "C:", including Jenkins - but the jenkins workspace lays on "D:"?

like image 239
user3746259 Avatar asked Apr 26 '16 15:04


1 Answers

I think that the problem lies within incorrect using WINDOWS path. Please see this question:

Help with windows path - PHP

As a quick test, try to change file_exists check to harcoded argument:


like image 149
Jehy Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10
