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phpDocumentor alternative consuming less memory

Okay, I'm fed up with phpDocumentator. It consumes way much more memory (1.4 GB) and time (5 minutes on 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo) than I'm willing to give it. Does there exist some really compatible program to generate documentation for PHP code?

I've tried PHPDoctor, which looks nice, but it has some missing features. However it is probably closest to be replacement from all solutions I've tried so far.

I've also tried PhpDocGen, but it just bails out with some Perl errors, which I'm too lazy to study.

Doxygen also does not seem to play well with our sources.

PS: The documentation would be for phpMyAdmin, a little bit outdated documentation is here.

Update: The code contains lot of functions and not only objects, what is the biggest problem with Doxygen, because it fails to organize them.

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Michal Čihař Avatar asked Apr 29 '10 13:04

Michal Čihař

2 Answers

We switched from phpDocumentor to Doxygen because the former did not support PHP 5.3 features like namespaces and closures. phpDocumentor's last update was in 2008.

The major @-attributes are the same in Doxygen, because they both do JavaDoc-style comments. It is quite configurable, too.

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janmoesen Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10


You can also try DocBlox; it is a new kid on the block (pun intended) but already supports many of the features that phpDocumentor provides and many of the newer things (like namespaces). Please try it out at https://www.github.com/mvriel/Docblox

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Mike van Riel Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Mike van Riel