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YUICompressor or similar in PHP?

I've been using yuicompressor.jar on my test server for on-the-fly minimisation of changed JavaScript files. Now that I have deployed the website to the public server, I noticed that the server's policies forbid the use of exec() or its equivalents, so no more java execution for me.

Is there a decent on-the-fly JS compressor implemented in PHP? The only thing resembling this that I was able to find was Minify, but it's more of a full-blown compression solution with cache and everything. I want to keep the files separate and have the minimised files follow my own naming conventions, so Minify is a bit too complex for this purpose.

The tool, like yuicompressor, should be able to take either a filename or JavaScript as input and should either write to a file or output the compressed JavaScript.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm looking for something that does not have to be used as a standalone (i.e. it can be called from a function, rather than sniffing my GET variables). If I just wanted a compressor, Minify would obviously be a good choice.

EDIT2: A lot has changed in the five years since I asked this question. Today I would strongly recommend separating the front-end workflow from the server code. There are plenty of good tools for JS development around and except for the most trivial jQuery enhancements it's a better idea to have a full workflow with automated bundling, testing and linting in place and just deploy the minified bundles rather than the raw files.

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Alan Plum Avatar asked Jun 09 '09 22:06

Alan Plum

2 Answers

Yes there is, it's called minify.

The only thing in to worry about in the way of complexity is setting up a group, and there's really nothing to it. Edit the groupsConfig.php file if you want multiple JS/CSS in one <script> or <link> statement:

return array(
     'js-common' => array('//js/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js', '//js/common.js', '//js/visuals.js',
     'css-common' => array('//css/main.css', '//css/layout.css','//css/facebox.css')

To include the above 'js-common' group, do this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/min/g=js-common"></script>
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karim79 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11


(i know i was looking for the exact same thing not knowing how to deal directly with the jar file using php - that's how i ended up here so i'm sharing what i found)

Minify is a huge library with tons of functionalities. However the minifying part is a very tiny class : http://code.google.com/p/minify/source/browse/trunk/min/lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php

& very very easy to use :

//set the path to the jar file
//set the path to a writable temp folder


same process for js, if you need more functionalities just pick from the library & read the source to see how you can make direct call from your app.

I didn't read the question well, since minify is based on using the jar files, the op can't use it anyway with his server config

Minify also include other minifying methods than yui, for example:


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mikakun Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
