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PHP SilverStripe ORM: Duplicate key value violates unique constraint for DataObject write

I have a function on my website that saves a bunch of values quite quickly to the same DataObject type. Most of the time it's OK but occasionally I get an error

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint ...

Reading through the documentation I see:

SilverStripe does not use the database's built-in auto-numbering system. Instead, it will generate a new ID by adding 1 to the current maximum ID

And previously looking through the code it looks like it retrieves the max number from the primary key, inserts a record with that ID, then sets the values of the DataObject and writes again. In my load balanced environment, when these multiple entries are sent, I believe the insert is happening with the same primary key, hence the error.

As far as I can see this is an issue I can't get around. From other questions and doco I can't set a composite primary key. Only thing I can think of is to run a custom sql for the create which does use the DB's inbuilt auto-numbering system.

Is there a better way to deal with this error or a way I can set a composite primary key?


The full error is

Query failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint 'TABLE_pkey'
DETAIL: Key ('ID')=(136) already exists.

And the statement:

INSERT INTO "TABLE" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OtherTabeID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8),Array) 

I read this as it's inserting the ID from a previously determined value rather than relying on the DB auto-increment. Is that correct?


Looking through logs it looks like the INSERT is done first with Created field, then select statement is done to get the ID:


then an UPDATE is done with the additional details being saved.

I feel like this could be a race condition that would cause saving to incorrect rows, though not cause what I'm currently experiencing. Ideally any INSERT would have a returning "ID" that would be used for the update command.


The above process is contrary to the stack trace I have which shows the insert includes more than just Created:

pg_query_params(Resource id #154,INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8),Array) 
PostgreSQLConnector->preparedQuery(INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),Array,256) 
SS_Database->{closure}(INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) 
SS_Database->benchmarkQuery(INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),Closure,Array) 
SS_Database->preparedQuery(INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),Array,256) 
DB::prepared_query(INSERT INTO "TABLENAME" ("ClassName", "Name", "MemberID", "OTHERTABLEID", "Value", "LastEdited", "Created", "ID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),Array) 
like image 596
Rudiger Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 21:03


1 Answers

That note in the documentation is very out of date (even SilverStripe 2.1 from 2007 has the correct behaviour) and the approach described by the docs would lead to race conditions.

The complexity is that SilverStripe uses multi-table inheritance and what SilverStripe does is such cases is this:

  • Insert into the SiteTree table
  • Fetch the ID generated
  • Insert into the Page table (and other tables) using the same ID

It may also do subsequent UPDATE writes to the SiteTree table with the same ID.

Unfortunately this doesn't necessarily help you solve your issue, but it can at least close off one possible source of the issue.

like image 159
Sam Minnée Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 00:04

Sam Minnée