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PHP Setters/Getters and Constructor

I have been searching for this online, but I can't seem to find something that is clear enough for me to understand. I have seen "similiar" questions on here about this in Java.

class animal{
    private $name;

    // traditional setters and getters
    public function setName($name){
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;

    // animal constructors
    function __construct(){
       // some code here

    // vs

    function __construct($name){
        $this->name = $name;
        echo $this->name;

$dog = new animal();
echo $dog->getName();

// vs

$dog = new animal("spot");
  1. Should I declare and access my private fields through setters and getters or through the constructor?
  2. Which one is the best practice?
  3. I understand the purpose of a constructor(maybe not), but what is the point of having a constructor if I can declare and access my private fields through setters and getters?

Please note...this is my first time using OOP with web development and PHP, and I'm trying to learn by getting my hands "dirty" by writing some code in order for me to understand certain things in OOP. Please keep it simple.

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Paolo Scamardella Avatar asked Jul 31 '12 12:07

Paolo Scamardella

People also ask

What are getters and setters in PHP?

This is a short introductory tutorial on how to use “Getters” and “Setters” in PHP. “Getters” and “Setters” are object methods that allow you to control access to a certain class variables / properties.

How to insert a getter and setter in a class property?

Insert PHP getter and setter. You can also access commands from contextual menu when clicking on a class property: This extension contributes the following settings: phpGettersSetters.spacesAfterParam: Number of spaces to insert between @param tag and variable name in doc blocks.

What is the difference between getter and setter methods?

Just as the name suggests, a getter method is a technique that gets or recovers the value of an object. Also, a setter method is a technique that sets the value of an object. Let's understand the use of getter and setter methods through an example. In our Person class above, we have a private property called $name.

What is the getters and setters extension?

This extension allows you to quickly generate getters and setters with one single command. Detects indentation. No matter if you use spaces or tabs. Uses configuration options to show doc blocks as you like them.

2 Answers

It is more a matter of semantics than best practice per say.

In your example, your buisness logic may determine that an animal always needs a name. So it makes sense to construct the object with a name. If you do not want to allow an animal's name to be changed, then you don't write a setter.


class Animal 
    private $name;

    public function __construct($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

You may have other properties that an animal doesn't have to have, like an owner that you only write a getter/setter for i.e.

class Animal
    private $name;
    private $owner;

    public function __construct($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setOwner($owner)
        $this->owner = $owner

But if you find that you are always creating an animal with an owner at the same time you may want to put that in the contructor signature for convenience

class Animal
    private $name;
    private $owner;

    public function __construct($name, $owner = null)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->owner = $owner;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setOwner(Owner $owner)
        $this->owner = $owner

    public function getOwner()
        return $this->owner;

If the owner is another class in your application, you can type hint that your constructor needs an owner of a specific type (class). All of this is used to make it easier for you, or another developer to understand some of the requirements/logic behind your code - as well as potentially catching a bug here or there

class Owner 
    private $name;

    public function __construct($name)
        $this->name = $name;

class Animal
    private $name;
    private $owner;

    public function __construct($name, Owner $owner = null)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->owner = $owner;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setOwner(Owner $owner)
        $this->owner = $owner

    public function getOwner()
        return $this->owner;

// Create a new owner!
$dave = new Owner('Farmer Dave');

// a standard php empty object
$otherObj = new \stdClass();

// Create a new animal
$daisy = new Animal('Daisy');

// Farmer dave owns Daisy

// Throws an error, because this isn't an instance of Owner

// Set up Maude, with Dave as the owner, a bit less code than before!
$maude = new Animal('Maude', $dave);
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Pete Mitchell Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Pete Mitchell

Should I declare and access my private fields through setters and getters or through the constructor?

In situations like this, I ask myself:

  • Why should I create a method just to hold a one line function? (+Constructor)

  • How painful is it going to be to refactor two, three, four, five or more getters/setters vs one constructor?(+Constructor)

  • How hard is it going to be to document two, three, four, five or more getters/setters vs one constructor?(+Constructor)

  • Is there going to be a default value which will be documented? (+Constructor)

  • Do I like documentation and expect people to read? (+Constructor)

  • Will the initial value be undefined?(+Setter)

  • Is there a set of equivalent forms (shorthand, international, nicknames) which will all be acceptable as syntatically correct for required arguments? (+Setter)

  • Is there a set of optional arguments with default values? (+Setter)

  • Is there a common need to stringify and parse the initial value? (+Setter)

  • Do I dislike documentation and expect people to experiment? (+Setter)

Which one is the best practice?

The Date object seems to be the most complex class in most languages, so its PHP implementation would be a good reference for best practices.

What is the point of having a constructor if I can declare and access my private fields through setters and getters?

A constructor is implicitly invoked upon object instantiation in order to encapsulate the default state of the resulting data structure of its type.

CDD: Context-Driven-Development Roles - Creator, Object, Behavior


  • DateTime::__construct

  • date_create

  • The DateTime class

  • date_default_timezone_get

  • date_default_timezone_set

  • Changes in PHP datetime support

  • PHP OOP: Accessor and Destructor Methods

  • Concurrency, part 4: Comparing promises frameworks in different languages – SLaks.Blog

  • CDD: Context-Driven Development

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Paul Sweatte Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09

Paul Sweatte