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php setcookie vs Zend_Http_Cookie

Why this code not working, and how can I make it works like


The code that not create cookie:

$cookie=new Zend_Http_Cookie('cookie_name','cookie_value','.google.com');

Or what difference between:



$cookie=new Zend_Http_Cookie('cookie_name','cookie_value','.google.com');


like image 763
Ben Avatar asked Oct 07 '10 16:10


1 Answers

Zend_Http_Cookie is not for setting cookies, it is a companion class for Zend_Http_Client. Let's say you wanted to screen scape some content off a site but that content is only available if you are logged in. You could use Zend_Http_Client to post your credentials to the login form, the server would then send back a session cookie. You could then include this session cookie in a subsequent request to the page you want to scrape in order to simulate a logged in user viewing that page.

To set cookies in ZF you can just use the native PHP function, or possibly store the data in the session instead.

like image 84
Tim Fountain Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Tim Fountain