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php require class call from inside method

from my understanding, require pastes code into the calling php file.

what if you were requiring from inside a method...it would paste the entire code/class inside the method, blocking the next statement in the method.


  function test() {

    require 'pathtosomeclasscode';
    somestatement; // any code after the require is blocked.


how do i get around this, to be able to require code where-ever, without it being pasted in that exact spot?

like image 605
Jeremy Gwa Avatar asked May 02 '10 23:05

Jeremy Gwa

1 Answers

Somewhat surprisingly, this appears to work just fine. The included code will execute inside the scope of Baz::bork() -- but the the code simply defines a class, and classes are global. So you end up with a defined class.

File: Foo.php:

class Foo{
      function bar(){
               echo "Hello from Foo::bar()!\n";

File: Baz.php:

class Baz{

      function bork(){
               require_once "Foo.php";
               $f = new Foo();

echo "testing internal definition:\n";
$b = new Baz();

echo "\ntesting in global scope:\n";

$f = new Foo();
echo "\nall done\n";


$ php Baz.php
testing internal definition:
Hello from Foo::bar()!

testing in global scope:
Hello from Foo::bar()!

all done

Now, I can't think of many places where you'd want to do things this way. People typically require_once() any possible dependencies at the top of their class file, outside of the class definition.

like image 70
timdev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11
