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PHP MySql percentage

My question is about percentages, I'm not an expert so I will try to explain in the better possible way.

I have a table with, let say 700 records, in my mysql server, something like this

| Name  | country | language | Birth |
| Lucy  | UK      | EN       | 1980  |
| Mari  | Canada  | FR       | 1990  |
| Gary  | Canada  | EN       | 1982  |
| Stacy | Jamaica | EN       | 1986  |
| Joao  | Brasil  | PT       | 1984  |

So I query all the records that are between 1980 and 1985 and the result will be:

| Name | country | language | Birth |
| Lucy | UK      | EN       | 1980  |
| Gary | Canada  | EN       | 1982  |
| Joao | Brasil  | PT       | 1984  |

and from this result I would like to obtain:

  1. the percentage of appearance of every languages between those years

    EN = 75% (3 is the total in this case)
    PT = 25%
  2. the percentage of appearance of every country that is seen in the resulting table

    UK = 33%
    Canada = 33%
    Brasil = 33%

I mean how can I convert the results in variables to use them in the final function.

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Andrés Chandía Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 13:10

Andrés Chandía

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1 Answers

This may work, but something along the line of:

set @total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE Birth between 1980 and 1985);

SELECT language, percentage
    SELECT language, concat(count(language)/@total_rows, "%") AS percentage 
    FROM table WHERE Birth between 1980 and 1985
like image 167
Mike Mackintosh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Mike Mackintosh