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Iterating over std::map in PHP with SWIG

I am using SWIG to wrap a function that returns an std::map in PHP.

In the PHP code, I need to iterate over the elements of the map.

Thw SWIG library provides support for std::map with the std_map.i interface file, but only the following methods are wrapped:

 set($key, $x)

How can I iterate over the elements of the map? Would I need to extend the std_map.i file with some sort of wrappers for iterators and begin() and end()?

like image 682
HighCommander4 Avatar asked May 14 '12 03:05


1 Answers

As @awoodland said you will have to implement the iterator interface.

Here is another question on stackoverflow. Although it is java it can give you a better idea of what you are looking for:

No iterator for Java when using SWIG with C++'s std::map

like image 168
manumoomoo Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
